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Health is your wealth

  • Added: 08/07/15


Many don't realize how much preservatives, additives and toxins they are consuming in their every day foods and the very bad effects it is having on their health. I believe that there needs to be an effective education module on these matters so people can make better choices for themselves. This will not only save lives but also make a huge impact on the NHS Bills, ease up unnecessary visits to A&E, has the potential to save the country a great deal of money. Many of the modules out there are incomplete and do not give the correct guidance.

For instance, salt is not bad for us, the WRONG salt is. Our bodies need the RIGHT salt and in the right proportions for our bodies to function correctly. The same goes for the sugars. Sugar is cut from everything and replaced with chemical sweeteners that is five to ten times more harmful and even lethal in the long run....

I have followed a path of natural healing most of my life. I have studied nutrition and the effects that GMO, preservatives and additives in the food here in the UK have on health. Many do not realise that the toxins in food is part of the cause for obesity. I shall put forward the supporting files in a short while.