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This app promotes sharing user generated data to address a food waste problem.
Ripe Near Me aims to promote conservation and reduce food waste by facilitating the sharing of surplus fruit and veg through a mobile app.
It could be based on a pilot from Australia called Ripe Near Me.
In 2007 I worked with local conservationist Mel Jones to begin mapping public fruit and remnant orchards in Milton Keynes. We used a google map but an app would be better. Now the technology is available, the data is user generated and the resources are free - this is a relatively simple project to develop!
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Milton Keynes is full of public productive fruit and nut trees as well as fruit that people have on their own properties which they may be unable to pick for whatever reason. Much of this public fruit goes to waste rather than being gathered and used. An app could allow people to geo locate foraging sites and notify people when fruit is ripe to pick. It could also facilitate the sharing of surplus from people's gardens or allotments. It could be based on a pilot from Australia called Ripe Near Me.
In 2007 I worked with local conservationist Mel Jones to begin mapping public fruit and remnant orchards in Milton Keynes. We used a google map but an app would be better. Now the technology is available, the data is user generated and the resources are free - this is a relatively simple project to develop!